According to customer requirements, a wide range of Wire Holding & Cutter is available in high-quality stainless steel and color coatings.
DUROGRIP Holding forceps
£0.00DUROGRIPHolding forceps for cerclagewire, with lateral jaws to avoidwire silpping off170 mm -
DUROTIP Wire Cutting Pliers
£0.00DUROTIPWire Cutting PliersLateral & Front Cutting ActionSize: 145 mmfor soft wireupto diam. 2.0 mmfor hard wireupto diam. 1.5 mm -
DUROTIP Wire Cutting Pliers
£0.00DUROTIPWire Cutting PliersLateral & Front Cutting ActionSize: 220 mmfor soft wireupto diam. 3.5 mmfor hard wireupto diam. 2.5 mm -
Flat-Nosed Pliers
£0.00Flat-Nosed Pliers23-172with serrated jaws23-173with longitudinal andtransversal grooves170 mm -
KIRSCHNER Wire Cutting Pliers
£0.00KIRSCHNERWire Cutting PliersCutter for cutting offKIRSCHNER wires,Tibia head screws,bolts, pins, up to 3 mm diam.Size: 320 mmfor soft wireupto diam. 3.0 mmfor hard wireupto diam. 3.0 mm -
KIRSCHNER Wire Cutting Pliers
£0.00KIRSCHNERWire Cutting PliersCutter for cutting offKIRSCHNER wires,Tibia head screws,bolts, pins, up to 6 mm diam.470 mm -
REILL Wire Cutting Pliers
£0.00REILLWire Cutting PliersLateral Cutting Actionspecially hardenedcutting edges, forcutting off wires closeto the boneSize: 175 mmfor soft wireupto diam. 2.0 mmfor hard wireupto diam. 1.6 mm -
Round Pliers
£0.00Round Pliers180 mm23-18023-181 145 mm23-182 180 mm23-183 180 mmExtraction pliers for wires