According to customer requirements, a wide range of Suction Instruments is available in high-quality stainless steel and color coatings.
BIEMER Vacuum Curettes
£0.00BIEMERVacuum Curettes25-101 4 mm25-102 6 mm25-103 8 mm25-104 10 mm25-105 12 mm25-106 14 mmCurettes for aspirationlipectomy, graduated,silghtly curved -
BIEMER Vacuum Curettes
£0.00BIEMERVacuum Curettes25-107 4 mm25-108 6 mmCurettes for aspirationlipectomy, with threeapertures, slighty curvedmalleable -
BIEMER Vacuum Curettes
£0.00BIEMERVacuum Curettes25-109 8 mm25-110 10 mm25-111 12 mmCurettes for aspirationlipectomy, with threeapertures, slighty curvedmalleable -
DE-BAKEY Suction Instruments
£0.00DE-BAKEYSuction Instrumentswith central bore,3,0 mm diam.withlateral slots275 mm -
FERGUSSON Suction Instruments
£0.00FERGUSSONSuction Instrumentswith finger cut-off andstylet, thumb piece90 to curved, withLUER hub180 mm25-135 2,0 mm25-136 2,5 mm25-137 3,0 mm25-138 4,0 mm25-139 5,0 mm -
FERGUSSON Suction Instruments
£0.00FERGUSSONSuction Instrumentsinsulated, with finger cut-offand stylet, thumb piece 90to curved,with LUER hub180 mm -
FRAZIER Suction Instruments
£0.0025-141 3,0 mm25-142 5,0 mmFRAZIERSuction Instrumentsinsulated, with fingercut-off and stylet, thumbpiece 90 to curved,with LUER hub180 mm -
LANDOLT Suction Instruments
£0.00LANDOLTSuction Instruments150 MM25-170 8 mm / curved25-171 11mm / curved25-172 15mm / curved -
Nasal Suction Suction Instruments
£0.0025-144 4,5 mm25-145 5,5 mmNasal SuctionSuction Instrumentstubes175 mm -
PLESTER Suction Instruments
£0.00PLESTERSuction Instrumentswith finger cut-off andstylet, thumb pieceparallel to curved, withLUER hub195 mm25-131 1,5 mm25-132 2,0 mm25-133 2,5 mm25-134 3,0 mm -