SCHMID Vessel Irrigating Cannulae
£0.00SCHMIDVessel Irrigating Cannulae,malleable, silver platedDown Size:150 mmUp Size:17-101 3 mm17-102 4 mm17-103 5 mm17-104 6 mm -
SCHULZ Biopsy Forceps
£0.00SCHULZBioptome, mit flexiblem Schaft, 510 mm lang,with round jaws 3 mm diam.Biopsy forceps, for biopsy from the right atriumthrough cava juglaris, prior to heart implantations. -
SCHULZE Gynaecological Instruments
£0.00SCHULZEGynaecological InstrumentsSalpingograph, for utero-salpingographyin wooden case, consisting of:Manometer, Connection, Uterine canullawith tap, Cone S.M.L,Record Syringe 10 cc, Luer lock mount. -
SCHULZE Gynaecological Instruments
£0.00SCHULZEGynaecological InstrumentsSalpingograph, equipmentwithout manometer. -