MORSE Sternotomy Spreader
£0.00MORSESternotomy Spreaderfor adults, with moveabledouble, each blade19x19 mm -
MOYNIHAN Gall Duct Probes
£0.00MOYNIHANGall Duct ProbesMalleableUP Size:10-153 5.0 mmDOWN Size:10-153 365 mm -
MOYNIHAN Intestinal Clamp Forceps
£0.00MOYNIHANIntestinal Clamps, Soft Elasticwith Elastic BladesSIze: 280 mm -
MUHLING Raspatories
£0.00MUHLINGRaspatoriesSize: 170 mm20-181 4 mm20-182 4 mm20-183 4 mm20-184 6 mm -
Muller Knee-Bent Muller Vessel Clips and Bulldog Clamps
£0.00Closing ForceMuller Knee-BentSize: 50g, 80g -
MULLER Ligature Forceps
£0.00MULLERLigature ForcepsMicro Forceps(Light Patterns)Down Size:110 mmUp Size:04-116 0.15 mm04-117 0.20 mm04-118 0.30 mm04-119 0.50 mm04-120 0.50 mm04-121 0.50 mm -
Muller Ligature Forceps Muller Vessel Clips and Bulldog Clamps
£0.00Closing ForceMuller Ligature ForcepsJaw, Cross Serrated -
MULLER Needle Holders
£0.00MULLERNeedle HoldersWith Round Handleswith Locking MechanismSize: 145 mm -