According to customer requirements, a wide range of Gall Duct Probes is available in high-quality stainless steel and color coatings.
DESJARDINS Gall Duct Probes
£0.00DESJARDINSGall Duct ProbesFlexibleUP Size:10-156 3.8 mm10-157 3.8 mm10-158 3.8 mmDOWN Size:10-156 285 mm10-157 285 mm10-158 285 mm -
HAJEK Gall Duct Probes
£0.00HAJEKGall Duct ProbesIrrigating CannulaUP Size:10-152 3.5 mmDOWN Size:10-152 165 mm -
MAYO Gall Duct Probes
£0.00MAYOGall Duct ProbesMalleableUP Size:10-154 5.0 mmDOWN Size:10-154 330 mm -
MOYNIHAN Gall Duct Probes
£0.00MOYNIHANGall Duct ProbesMalleableUP Size:10-153 5.0 mmDOWN Size:10-153 365 mm -
OCHSNER Gall Duct Probes
£0.00OCHSNERGall Duct Probes,FlexibleUP Size:10-155 3.5 mmDOWN Size:10-155 400 mm